Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Breathing Water


Psalm 119.1 1 How blessed are those whose way is blameless, who walk in the law of the LORD. NASB

There is a way life that is completely unknown to the natural man: it was forfeited in the garden. Every person since Adam’s fall is born apart from this way. It is the way of God and it is only granted to the one to whom God gives it. How that happens I don’t know, but I do know it isn’t because of who we are, or what we’ve done; or who our parents are, or how we look. God grants the way to those whom He pleases.

Once one has received the way, there is a dynamic that comes into play whereby that person is introduced to the way, and begins to learn to live in it. It would be very much like trying to breathe water. It isn’t actually breathing water, but that’s a good comparison to what it is like. Breathing water is totally unnatural to human beings. Living in the way of God is totally unnatural; fortunately living in God’s way doesn’t include learning to breathe water…

Living the way of God is living in total dependency upon Him. That’s sometimes difficult for us because we are so used to fending for ourselves. We feed and clothe ourselves and get ourselves about each day depending on what it is that our day is made up of. Obviously we’re excluding the infirm from such things because they are infirm. We are also excluding the very young who are dependent upon their parents or guardian to care for them. But a normal, natural adult is about the business of living, and for sake of argument, that’s who we’re talking about.

Living the way of God is living in total dependency upon Him for all of the things we do for ourselves normally and naturally. Living in the way of God is living apart from the things we seem to take for granted in this world. It is inviting the Almighty to come into our lives in such a way as He becomes a part of every single thing we do all day every day. That means that living in the way of God means making room for Him to participate in all that we do. It’s unnatural. And at times it may even be uncomfortable. But it is vitally necessary for what is to come.

Psalm 119 is all about living in the way of God; it’s about living according to the law of the Lord. Now, lest I become fooled into legalism, it isn’t about living according to the rules – it’s living according to rule: God’s rule in my life. God is King and I am His servant and I live according to His rule, not His rules. So, when the psalmist (whoever it was) wrote this song under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, he wasn’t referring to living under the Mosaic Law; he was referring to living in the way of God and abiding by His laws for living; that is, living according to the way of God by submitting to His rule (His presence) in every facet of my life.

As uncomfortable as the Mosaic Law was with its do’s and don’ts, the way of God is uncomfortable with its will’s and won’ts. Either I will learn to walk in God’s way or I won’t. Either I will accept His rule or I won’t. The assertion of this psalm is the one who will, is blessed; and the one who won’t is not. I want to live the blessed way even if it means doing something as uncomfortable as trying to breathe water…

“Be with me Lord Jesus I ask Thee to stay; close by me forever and help me I pray. Bless all the dear children in Thy tender care; and fit us for heaven to live with Thee there.”

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