Monday, December 31, 2007

It's Already New Year's in Australia

We can (and do) make a big deal about tonight each year; it's New Year's Eve - at least it still is in Eastern Oregon... Or we can rest in the fact that New Year's has already happened in Australia.

I know the 'count down' is going to happen and a lot of folks are going to party hearty, but for the most part it's really not much more than a reason to party it up. I doubt many resolutions are going to amount to much (" say you have a resolution, well, you know...we'd all like to see the plan...)

Next year I'm guessing, will be pretty much the same for most people - but this fact is for sure, it will happen one day at a time...just like this year did.

Each 'New Year's' we have the promise of a new set of 365.25 days. The test is what we really do with them and all we can really do with them is live them one - day - at - a - time.

In Psalm 90, Moses, the Man of God prayed, "Teach us to number our days aright, that we may gain a heart of wisdom." (verse 12) His prayer to God, was asking for God's help in 'numbering' or 'using' his days for good and not for evil. He was asking for God's help in using his days productively, not idly. That ought to be the way we approach every set of 365 we get. The new set starts over everyday (if we choose to look at it that way...). New Year's will come and go - what matters is what we do with the days (the day) we have.

I wish you a happy New Year and I pray that you number your days aright that you gain a heart of wisdom...


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