Psalm 86. Show me a
sign of your favor, that those who hate me may see and be put to shame because
you, Lord, have helped me and comforted me. – David
Ever since the day my Pastor in Payette Idaho (all those
years ago) said there was a more modern meaning of grace than the classical meaning: unmerited favor; I realized, what in the world could be more meaningful
than favor; what word could we use to replace, favor? So, when I read today and saw the above, I said, that’s what
it is: it’s favor!
Grace is a much used but misunderstood word, and it’s
been my habit has been to use the word, favor,
when I read or hear the word, grace.
Favor certainly is more understandable. Do
me a favor. Can I ask a favor of you?
David, the great Judean king, is credited with psalm 86.
If anyone needed favors from God, it was David. David lives a very tumultuous
life. He was called to be the next king whilst the current king was in power.
(If we understand anything about monarchies, it’s this: we don’t understand the meaning of the word competition. We kill competition.) And David for many
years lived under this threat.
David didn’t ask to be king. He didn’t lay around the
sheepfolds all day whining, O God, I’m so tired of smelly sheep crap! Would You
let me be king? But David was called, and when he was called he became a target
to those in power; certainly to the then sitting king: Saul.
And David learned to pray. David knew the presence of God
from those days of smelly sheep and David knew how to praise God; it was a part
of his being. So David praised God and God took him to lead a nation that had
forgotten how to pray. And sing. And praise. And David’s prayer was: Lord, show
me a sign of Your favor, that those who hate me may see…
David didn’t merely pray for their destruction (which he
did often); he prayed that his enemies would see the presence of Almighty God
and repent. I’m just doing what God
called me to do and if you only understood that, you’d praise Him too! Isn’t
that like you and me, who’ve got friends and relatives and neighbors who don’t
believe us, and don’t care for our God and… if
only God, that they could see Your goodness, mercy, and love…
My prayer isn’t for: in
your face! My prayer is for a manifestation of His grace that not only may
I be, but also that they may see, and then be set free.
Father, a sign of Your favor isn’t really a merit-badge –
I don’t merit anything! But You favor Your children, and I believe (that for
whatever reason) You favor me. I pray for a sign of Your favor that they may see; and let the chips fall
wherever they may… Amen