Saturday, December 27, 2008

Hitler and the Antichrist

Ain't it fitting - we just voted 'Hitler' out of the US Presidency and voted in the 'Antichrist'. It amazes me where folks go in their thinking (and their name-calling) when they don't get what they want or 'it' don't quite turn out the way they planned.  

The American political arena is showing itself for what it truly is - the development of the Government Class... or the birth of the ‘Ruling Party’ whichever you prefer. It seems that “government of the people, by the people and for the people” is as cliché and passé as some would have the conservatism of Reagonomics. 

So 'Hitler' is going into retirement and the 'Antichrist' goes on the clock. One led us into war and the other claims he's going to lead us out. We'll see. The problem is that we the people have not a clue as to what we really want – other than we don't want Hitler, and we seem to want the ‘christ’ or a suitable alternative. We all want a chicken in every pot, a coupla cars in every garage, and a spending spree that never ends, all supplied by our government who seems to know what we want and insists on promising it to us ad infinitum, ad nauseum.

Where do we get the money? The great American money machine is broke because the Ruling Party has forgotten what it takes to grease the wheels of its machinery. Its machinations aren't working - the American people need to be. 

The greatest contribution the 'antichrist' can make for his country is to make Big Government go away. The problem with that is by doing so the Ruling Party cannot fund it's pawns (the ‘poor’ whoever they are and the proletariat of the unions) and persist in its pretend game of progressive politics and political correctness. Ugh, what a mess. The 'antichrist' won't budge and the whole thing will perpetuate...


Unless there are those who will wake up from the slumbering spell cast upon us by the mindless media, the errant edu-crats, and the political posers who postulate themselves as angels of mercy and benevolence (all at tax-payer expense.) 

America, wake up! America, look what you've chosen for yourself! A government who is big enough to give everyone what they want is fundamentally evil enough to take it all back or to make the payback so lasting and hurtful that we will never outlive it!

If the last one was 'Hitler' and the next one is the 'Antichrist', isn't it time we looked for a leader who will put government back on the short leash and take its credit cards away? We need people in government who are looking to bolster and nurture the private sector and keep the government the heck out of everyone's business. 

Wake up America before it's too late!

Thursday, December 25, 2008

In the Light

7 But if we are living in the light, as God is in the light, then we have fellowship with each other, and the blood of Jesus, his Son, cleanses us from all sin. (1 John1.7 NLT)

Every night since about this time last year, weather and job schedule permitting, I take the dog for her evening cruise around the neighborhood. Lately as we've approched the holiday (today, Christmas, if you need to ask) there have been many houses lighted with various combinations of holiday lighting. I'm not sure if this is strictly an American tradition but I do know that I like soft light and the glow it casts at night. Christmas lights are especially appealing to me because of their colors and the way their light shines into the winter evenings. The glow is very soothing and comforting. 

As I think about John's epistle and what he said, in the verse above, I have thought that I would like to live in the warmth and soothing kind of light that is displayed in holiday lighting at Christmastime. There is something comforting about this kind of light.

It's not that I don't like the light of day, nothing beats a warm sunny day in my opinion, it's just that softer light is appealing to me. I don't necessarily like the cold and I don't nesessarily like the night - although I am an avid sky-watcher (and dreamer); I think about stars and what is out there where they are. But I like the light that is cast on a winter evening by Christmas decor lighting. 

So when John says that if we are living in the light as God is 'in the light', then we have fellowship with God, because God cannot live in darkness. God is light. God dwells in unapproachable light in that His light illumines the darkest and deepest places in people's hearts. To be able to approah God in that kind of light would be to bare one's soul in such a way to cause immense and devastating grief, guilt, and discomfort, for the hearts of humans are truly evil and beyond remedy (see Jeremiah 17.9).

So I want to dwell in the soft light of God's love that is soothing, appealing and most of all comforting to one who knows his heart has seeds of disease and destruction; and pockets of blackness that are odious and evil. The Christmas lights remind me to walk in His light to see not only where I am going (in my decisionmaking and behavior) but also for the direction of my life (my purpose and meaning.)

Dwelling in the light gives me the advantage of being where God is; and where He is there is the promise of wisdom and direction that always leads to a joyful ending. So the lights this time of year remind me of His light and I find His light to be very appealing indeed!

Here's to living in the light.